Lighthouse particle and environmental monitoring systems continue to be the systems of choice for leading pharmaceutical manufacturers, compounding pharmacies, hospitals and countless other organizations, with a record number of facilities throughout Australia, New Zealand and the world now installing NEW systems or UPGRADING existing systems to Lighthouse technology.
Their latest 4th generation EMS systems represent 2019 technology, offering features and performance beyond the capability of other systems on the market. Their SMART bracket technology makes life easier for customers and reduces the risks associated with particle counting and their systems are robust, reliable and easy to use.
If your facility is still using older generation particle counters and or monitoring equipment, or maybe using a monitoring system that incorporates proprietary (black box) hardware or software, then maybe now is the time to start talking to us about upgrading to a newer, better open source alternative.
This is what so many other facilities are now doing and or have done and it can make a world of difference to how your facility operates.
Feel free to call us today on 1300 306 002 to learn more.