Are your staff still running around with a pen and paper to jot down display measurements off systems and or equipment ? Are you using low cost data loggers, or potentially doing nothing at all ? With regulations getting tighter all the time, wouldn’t you like the safety, security and peace of mind having a proper monitoring system in place?
LAF Technologies is the exclusive Australian / New Zealand agent for U.S wireless environmental monitoring system manufacturer Senso Scientific. To cut a long story short, Senso manufacture high quality and reliable wireless monitoring systems and sensors at very affordable prices. They are NOT the cheapest on the market and they have no desire to try and compete with basic entry level monitoring systems with $70 disposable sensors and very basic functionality.
On the same token, they are far from being the dearest systems and for surprisingly little money facilities can install a quality Senso Scientific system, which comes with FREE validation documentation and is fully 21CFR II and GMP compliant.
Wouldn’t you rather get it right from day one and have a system with accurate measurements, sensors that can be properly calibrated, not just disposed of or verified, a system that is fully 21CFR-II, TGA PICs and GMP compliant versus one that is not.
To learn more click HERE or call us today.